Every business has the power to change lives by integrating giving into its everyday business activities. With every referral, new sign up and birthday - M A Whately helps a family in need for a day, offers a child a day’s education or water.
We believe that every business has the power to change lives by integrating giving into its everyday activities.
Here’s our promise:
For every new sign up we promise to give a weeks’ worth of life-changing clean drinking water. For your birthday we will donate 5 days of education on your behalf. For every referral, we promise to feed and nourish a child in need for a week on your behalf.
Our goal is to donate 20 years of water to families in Ethiopia, 2000 days of education and 500 days’ worth of food. If we do not meet these goals through birthdays, new sign-ups and referrals, we promise to match this at the end of the year.
If we do meet our goal, we promise to sponsor a gifted child's college education. We hope you'll join us on this journey and look out for our updates throughout the year and check-in at the end of the year to see if our goal was reached.
Every business that joins B1G1 automatically becomes a catalyst for change in our world through their membership fee that funds the movement. This yearly fee serves transparently to run the B1G1 platform and systems you trust, expand our reach and services to the Worthy Causes, grow our network of giving businesses, and facilitate events that help businesses fall in love with giving even more.
For more information on the B1G1 or our donations so far please email molly@mawhately.ie.